Sooner is Better!
March 19, 2014
Many times clients wait until they have been denied one or two times before contacting us. At Drummond Disability we prefer to get the claims as early as possible to avoid difficulties later. It all comes down to the fact that it’s easier to prevent mistakes from happening than to fix them after they occur. As an example, […]
Mental Illness, Social Security Disability and the Need for a “Highly Supportive” Living Environment
March 13, 2014
In addition to physical impairments, many Social Security Disability applications center on significant psychiatric issues. Some of these issues are pretty straightforward and others are not quite so evident. Often it is difficult to get a real clear picture of exactly how disabled a person is from a mental health viewpoint. Probably the most overlooked portion of […]
Winning a Social Security Disability Appeal
January 29, 2014
A Drummond Disability we would like to win all of our cases however, that obviously is not possible. When we receive a decision from an Administrative Law Judge denying a claim our normal procedure is to immediately contact our client and talk to them about the reasons for the judge’s denial. The first step is […]
Why Doesn’t Social Security Understand I Can’t Work?
January 7, 2014
Many people who contact us for help with their disability claim don’t understand why they are having such a hard time getting approved. At Drummond Disability, we are repeatedly asked why the “Government” doesn’t understand why the claimant can’t work. The Government and the Social Security Administration system is not set up to make it […]
Why Does it Take So Long to Get Disability?
January 7, 2014
The majority of the people we see in our consultations will ask why the disability process can take so long. The fact is that there is a backlog of pending disability claims with the Social Security Administration. Many, if not most, of the Social Security Administration Offices are severely backlogged. Additionally, there is a three-step […]
Why Do Other People Get Approved For Disability So Easily?
January 7, 2014
Almost all of our clients tell us they know somebody else who, they feel, has successfully gotten their disability benefits “easily.” They often feel that these same people aren’t nearly as disabled as themselves. When our clients or potential clients ask us this question we obviously don’t have a quick answer. There is no “magic […]
What Did the Administrative Law Judge Deny My Claim?
January 7, 2014
People often have a difficult time understanding why an Administrative Law Judge denied their claim after the hearing. The short answer is there are usually multiple reasons why a claim is denied. One needs only to look at the website,, to review the Social Security database giving up-to-date information about the various Administrative Law […]
Why Was My Disability Claim Denied?
January 7, 2014
Claims can be denied for a multitude of reasons; unfortunately, there is no short or quick answer to this question. Claims are complex and deal with a variety of issues including the extent and type of disability, the duration of disability, the quality of the documentation in the file and many other issues. Additional issues […]