Have you been injured at work?
Repetitive Trauma Claims
Repetitive Trauma Claims are compensable claims under the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Act where a worker’s condition of ill-being develops over time rather than at a specific moment. Probably the most common example of a repetitive trauma claim is a carpal tunnel situation, which almost always develops from repeated use over time. Common Workers’ Compensation carpal tunnel claimants include secretaries who type or do a lot of computer work and people who use a vibrating instrument including but not limited to drills or air hammers. Even smaller vibrating instruments can cause carpal tunnel if the exposure is over a period of time. Likewise, people who have hand intensive occupations, such as mechanics, often develop carpal tunnel from using a lot of hand tools and/or cubital tunnel affecting their elbows. Repetitive trauma claims can be much more difficult to prove than a claim arising from a single incident.
At Drummond Disability, we have successfully represented workers with their repetitive trauma claims with multiple parts of the body such as the shoulders and back in addition to the more common arm-related injuries.
If you have a repetitive trauma claim and would like to discuss it, please call for your FREE CONSULTATION at 800-842-0426.