Many applicants for Social Security Disability (SSD) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) end up attempting to work while there case for disability is pending for the simple reason that they are having financial distress and need money to pay past due bills for rent, power, medical bills, child care, or any number of things.
Obviously, working full-time for a long time during a time when you are seeking Social Security Disability is not recommended because being “disabled” under Social Security’s rules means you are not able to maintain working a 40 hour job.
However, here at Drummond Law, we understand that money can be tight and seeking a job may be the only way to stay afloat while your Social Security Disability case is being processed. That is why we always explain what an “Unsuccessful Work Attempt” is and how applicants can use these to (1) help determine if there is any job that they can maintain and (2) earn some money to help cover their bills during a Social Security Disability case.
An “Unsuccessful Work Attempt” occurs when a Disability applicant attempts to work during his or her Disability case and gets fired or has to quit because of their medical conditions. Depending on what happens during this Unsuccessful Work Attempt, this attempt can either hurt or help your chances of winning your disability case.
One important rule with regard to Unsuccessful Work Attempts is that this attempt to work can only last up to 6 months. If it goes more than 6 months it will no longer be considered “Unsuccessful” and instead will be deemed “Successful” and will likely cause any related Disability case to be unwinnable. However, if it lasts under 6 months, Drummond Law can use this Unsuccessful Work Attempt as evidence that you have tried to work and could not because of your medical conditions.
If you or someone you know is disabled and has questions about what will happen if they work, please call Drummond Law at (800) 842-0426 for a FREE Consultation.
For more information about Unsuccessful Work Attempts see the following: